How you can help

To achieve all the goals of our expedition, we turn to you for assistance. In order to help as many local residents as possible and provide a diverse range of professional healthcare, we need both financial resources and medical supplies and equipment.

You can support us in various ways, for which we will be immensely grateful. As a token of our appreciation, during the expedition, we will compile all the experiences, moments, and stories of patients into weekly blog posts so that you can feel the pulse of Africa with us.

We look forward to writing a wonderful story together with you.

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Financial donation

If you wish to financially support us, you can do so directly through the QR code below or by manually entering the details for the transfer to our bank account.

IBAN: SI56 0110 0603 0708 380
Reference: SI00 250610
Purpose: Uganda april 2025
Payment code: CHAR
Bank title and address: Banka Slovenije, Slovenska cesta 35,
1000 Ljubljana


We will also be collecting voluntary financial contributions at various locations throughout Slovenia.

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Purchase of our merch

We have created a selection of promotional materials for our expedition. We will be selling them at booths and events we organize. For exact information about sales locations, visit our Facebook page or Instagram account.

Purchases are also possible through social media and the email address

You can quickly and easily place an order through the following form:  

Mobirise Website Builder
Donation of medical equipment

If you would like to donate medical supplies, medications, glasses, medical equipment, or any other equipment, please contact us at the email address:

Na kratko o odpravi

Aprila 2025 se za tri mesece odpravljamo na otoček Bwama sredi jezera Bunyonyi, kjer bomo lokalnim prebivalcem nudili zdravstveno pomoč.

Spremljajte nas
Naša ekipa
  • Oscar 
  • Maša
  • Jasna 
  • Lucija 
  • Luka
Odpravo omogoča
  • Section for Tropical and Travel medicine
  • Clinic for Infectious Diseases and Febrile Conditions 
  • Japljeva 2
  • 1000 Ljubljana

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